rather than a flat tax propose a consumption tax. a consumption tax forces everyone to pay tax, which includes the underground economy. a 22% rate would fill D.C. pockets with plenty of money keep in mind the fastes grouwning segment of our economy is the underground, which pays no tax. this tax takes care of that problem and is fair to all. dale lytkowski. dllytkowski@lytkowski.com
This Blog, run by Oklahoma supporters of Mike Huckabee, is in no way affiliated with the Mike Huckabee for President Committee, or any other official Huckabee organization.
rather than a flat tax propose a consumption tax. a consumption tax forces everyone to pay tax, which includes the underground economy. a 22% rate would fill D.C. pockets with plenty of money keep in mind the fastes grouwning segment of our economy is the underground, which pays no tax. this tax takes care of that problem and is fair to all. dale lytkowski. dllytkowski@lytkowski.com