Thursday, April 22, 2010

Huck PAC Endorses Scott Pruitt for Oklahoma Attorney General

Huck PAC - Blogs - Huck PAC Endorses Scott Pruitt for Oklahoma Attorney General

April 20, 2010 - 04:12 PM
Washington, DC continues to pass legislation that puts unfair demands on taxpayers, handcuffs state government and saddles generations with massive debt. Oklahoma needs an Attorney General who is willing to stand up and fight – and Scott Pruitt is that person.

Scott and I developed a close friendship during my Presidential Campaign. I know he is a man of integrity who will hold true to his values and convictions regardless of the opposition – even if that opposition comes out of Washington, DC. If elected Oklahoma's next Attorney General, Scott will initiate a constitutional legal challenge to the hugely unpopular Healthcare legislation, with a goal of rendering it null and void in the State of Oklahoma.

Scott has the legal background and experience needed to be an effective Attorney General. Whether it is issuing legal opinions on important state issues or taking on the federal government, the people of Oklahoma deserve strong leadership. That is why HuckPAC proudly endorses Scott Pruitt.”

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