HuckPAC OK Update: 2/5/09
1. HuckPAC House Party 2/26/09
2. Fundraisers Conference Call
3. Join the HuckPAC 2009 Republican Delegates
Attention all HuckPAC Oklahoma Volunteers,
HuckPAC House Party 2/26/09
Make plans to attend a HuckPAC House Party on the 26th! See details from Governor Huckabee at the link below, then contact me (mikef (at) if you are interested in hosting a HuckPAC House Party in the Tulsa, OKC, Bartlesville or Muskogee areas on February 26th. We need hosts!
This will be an excellent time to launch our first meetings in an informal and social atmosphere, where we can meet each other and hang out. The state coordinator in your area can address the group with HuckPAC announcements regarding some upcoming plans, events and developments. There's lots of cool stuff on the way!
Fundraisers Conference Call
If you responded to the National HuckPAC Volunteer Team as a Fund Raiser, please contact me ( with some potential dates and times (the second or third week of February) that you can be available for a conference call to discuss and organize our Oklahoma fundraising campaign.
I would like to hear your ideas and form a group strategy. I was thinking maybe a Monday or Tuesday night after dinner time when all of our households are winding down???
Join the HuckPAC 2009 Republican Delegates
(Let's make an impact on this year's conventions!)
The 2009 County and State Republican Conventions are almost upon us. It is vital that all of us join the Delegation in our respective Counties and participate in our Party process.
Together as a voting block, we can influence the elections of our new Party leadership and assist with the preservation and enhancement of the conservative OKGOP Platform (where we can suggest and discuss issues like the Human Life Amendment, the Fair Tax, Homeschooling, Education and Gun Rights).
Please go to our state Meetup site at
and post the date and time of your GOP County Convention so others can find the info.
Ask your County Chairman if you can submit these planks to be considered for our Platform:
The FairTax Act (HR 25, S 1025)
The Human Life Amendment ( Sometimes referred to as a Personhood Amendment )
If you do NOT live in Tulsa County:
Contact your County Chairman, or call the OKGOP headquarters in OKC if you need more info. Contact Jay Mandraccia | 405/528-3501 | jay (at) . Tell them you want to become a delegate if you have not already and missed your Precinct Meeting last week due to the ice storm or other complications.
If you DO live in Tulsa County:
If you have not already, please take 2 minutes and go to to register. The deadline to register is FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th! Then, I challenge you to do 2 things:
1. Send this invitation to EVERY Republican you know, especially those who have felt like the Party has left them behind and no longer stands for their values. If they do not respond and become a voting delegate, they will have only themselves to blame. We will be stuck with the platform and leadership elected by delegates who register, show up to the convention and vote, for the next 2 years.
2. If you have an idea or a policy you would like the Party to stand on in our Republican Platform, send it in. This is how solutions are entered into the political arena. If you want to see the Fair Tax, The Human Life Amendment, or other great conservative ideas become GOP approved, it starts with YOU! Email them to chairman (at) .
What: Become a Republican Delegate !!!
When: By THIS FRIDAY, February 6, 2009
Here is some info from our Tulsa County Republican Chairman:
Dear Republicans,
I wanted to update you on a few things.
I have received several emails about the precinct meetings and wanted to make certain that everything was very clear.
We suggest that since we sit in precincts at the county convention that you elect these at the convention. Electing officers is not a lenghty process and we suggest that you arrive at the convention a few minutes early for you to do so. We will supply forms at the convention for you to fill out and turn in.
There may be some precincts that have already met or are meeting this week or next. If you have signed up online and are in one of these precincts we ask that you contact your precinct chairman so that they know that you are wanting to be a delegate but could not make the meeting due to the weather. You can get the contact information for a precinct chairman as a drop box to the “Officials” tab. If you see no precinct chairman listed then we would love to sign you up as a precinct officer.
Also, if you have no precinct meeting and you would like to sign up for the rules committee, platform committee, or credentials committee, feel free to send me at chairman (at) and I will forward that onto the committee chairmen. Just a reminder that you can only sit on one committee. Also, please remember that several committees have many people sign up and not everyone is chosen. Please email me by February 6 so that we have time to process everyone.
Finally, if you have a platform plank that you would like to submit and did not have a precinct meeting, please send and email to chairman (at) Those planks must be into me by February 6.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at 627-5702.
Thank you!
Joy Mohorovicic, Chairman
Just a Reminder:
Note: If your precinct does not have a Chairman, your meeting will be held at the Tulsa County GOP HQ on February 3rd, from 7 - 8pm.
Attention Tulsa County Republicans:
The 2009 Tulsa County GOP Convention will be held February 21.
Please contact your Precinct Chairman for more information regarding location and time.
If you need to know your precinct number CLICK HERE:
If you need to know who your Precinct Chairman is CLICK HERE:
Tulsa County GOP HQ Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm