Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Oklahoma: Planned Parenthood Racism Investigation

THIS IS FROM: http://liveactionfilms.org/

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jonathan Martin: Rep. Boren declines to endorse Obama

June 10, 2008

Rep. Boren declines to endorse Obama

This is not a good sign for Obama:

"We're much more conservative," Boren said of district. "I've got to reflect my district. No one means more to me than the people who elected me. I have to listen them." He called Obama "the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate."

Yet Boren did say he'd back the Democratic slate in November.

Still, I see at least two problems this creates for the Democratic nominee.

First, it gives McCain and the GOP a handy talking point from a non-Lieberman Dem. "Even some Democratic congressmen..." will surely go the refrain when making the case about Obama's purported liberalism.

Further, Boren's statement will surely prompt reporters to ask most every Blue Dog Democrat who had been holding out or supporting Clinton whether they'll now get behind Obama.

And Boren certainly won't be the last to put on his dancing shoes.

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Update on correspondence with Congressman Boren

[See also, the post of June 26, 2008]

I urge you to co-sponsor H.J. RES. 89, the Marriage Protection Amendment (2008), which would make marriage legal only between one man and one woman. Our families and children need this constitutional amendment to protect marriage.

I've written to you previously about this issue and your response was such that I expected to possibly see a change on this link soon. http://capwiz.com/afanet/issues/bills/?bill=11451941&cs_party=all&cs_status=all&cs_state=OK

Thus far, there has been no change. In 2 weeks, I will be involved in an effort that will be bringing this link into the full view of a very large number of Oklahoma voters, including those of the 2nd District. Before doing so, I wanted to make sure that you were made aware of the situation, in case there was either a mistake that needed to be corrected by the American Family Association's Web Master or perhaps, a little more time was needed for you to tie up loose ends. I certainly understand that the pace of our honorable congressmen must be a hectic one and so I wanted to make sure that you had enough time for this to not be an unfair assessment of your position on this issue before the current standing is published for many of your constituents to see and consider.

I look forward to seeing you listed as a co-sponsor of the Marriage Protection Amendment.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you on this important matter.

For your ease of reference, I've included our previous correspondences below my name.


Tulsa, OK

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Meetup Group - Oklahoma Pro Marriage Amendment

Please join this new Meetup Group. Families are the building blocks of our society. Some very wealthy Hollywood Limousine Liberals are attempting to redefine the very definition of it, which would cause health insurance cost to skyrocket and further breakdown of this important institution.

Our goal is to have over 100,000 active members, nationwide, in the next 4 months. Please, join up and encourage others to do the same.

Here is the link to the Oklahoma Meetup Group:

Here is a link that you can send to others no matter where they live:

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