Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oklahoma Residents! Please do “6” easy things to make the FairTax a reality.

Oklahoma Residents!

Please do “6” easy things to make the FairTaxSM a reality.

1) Complete and sign the FairTax petition. If you don’t have one, visit and click on “Sign our petition.”

2) Rep. Tom Cole - 4th District Congressman, presently does not support the FairTax by co-sponsoring. Call Tom Cole's Washington office, ask to speak to the legislative assistant who handles tax policy, and request that the Congressman co-sponsor HR 25. Visit for additional offices and contact information.



D.C. phone

D.C. fax

Local office

Local fax

Rep. Tom Cole


(202) 225-6165

(202) 225-3512

Norman: (405) 329-6500

(405) 321-7369

3) Fax congressman Cole with the same request. Or e-mail him by going to:

4) Call Congressman Cole's local office and request the same as above.

5) The following legislators are co-sponsors of the FairTax. Please take the time to thank them for their support and ask them to continue to encourage other Members of Congress to co-sponsor. We need them to "SELL" FairTax as Mike Huckabee has and is doing. Please read Ch. 10 of his new book "Do The Right Thing"



D.C. phone

D.C. fax

Local office

Local fax

Rep. John Sullivan


(202) 225-2211

(202) 225-9187

Tulsa: (918) 918-749-0014

(918) 749-0014

Rep. Dan Boren


(202) 225-2701

(202) 225-3038

Muskogee: (918) 687-2533

(918) 686-0128

Rep. Frank Lucas


(202) 225-5565

(202) 225-8698

Yukon: (405) 373-1958

(405) 373-2046

Rep. Mary Fallin


(202) 225-2132

(202) 226-1463

Oklahoma City: (405) 234-9900

(405) 234-9909

Senator Tom Coburn


(202) 224-5754

(202) 224-6008

Tulsa: (918) 581-7651

(918) 581-7195

Senator Jim Inhofe


(202) 224-4721

(202) 228-0380

Tulsa: (918) 748-5111

(918) 748-5119

6) Copy this sheet and give it to others! The power of grassroots can make it happen. Our representatives in Congress need you to give them the courage to make this bold change.

Visit or call 1-800-FAIRTAX. For more information on Oklahoma, visit

Contact e-mail addresses for the Oklahoma grassroots leadership:

State Director

e-Mail address


Bill Harrington

(918) 371-4181

State Deputy Director

e-Mail address


Ted Seaman

(918) 333-2221

State Communications Director

e-Mail address


Howard Hulen

(918) 248-8100

District Directors


e-Mail address


OK-1, Owasso

Randy Jarman

(918) 693-1927

OK-2, Claremore

Carol Chouinard

(918) 636-8850

OK-3, Okla. City

Brian Webb

(405) 520-9847

OK-4, Moore

Elza Jones

(405) 517-7245

OK-5, Edmond

Robert Semands

(405) 340-9401

Deputy Dist Directors


e-Mail address


OK-1 Broken Arrow

Jim Conroy

(918) 671-3589

OK-2, Catoosa

Jeff McIlroy

(918) 342-2623

OK-3, Sapulpa

Dee Dobson

(918) 227-0042

Download the 6 Things File for Printing

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Roe vs. Wade's "Roe" will Protest Obama at Notre Dame

Pro-Life Activists Converge on Notre Dame to Protest Obama Speech

Hundreds of pro-life activists from across the country are arriving by the busload at Notre Dame with one purpose in mind: to protest President Obama.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


One of those dissidents is Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in all 50 states in 1973. McCorvey, a born-again Christian who runs Roe No More Ministry in Dallas, flew to South Bend, Ind., on Friday.

"I'm coming because I want to show Mr. Obama that I'm not in favor his pro-abortion stance," McCorvey told prior to boarding a connecting flight in Cincinnati, Ohio. "I'm a peaceful protester, but if they come and take me away, they'll just come and take me away."

McCorvey said she's especially excited for a meditation to be held by the Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, during Obama's commencement address and the candlelit vigil led by Rev. John D'Arcy, bishop of the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese who will not attend Sunday's graduation, in protest of the president.

"Hopefully we can convince Mr. Obama that he should be standing on the right side, and that's the side for life," she said. "I'm pro-life now, I'm not afraid."

Asked what she'd say to President Obama if given the opportunity, McCorvey replied, "I can't talk like that anymore. I'm a Christian."

Norma McCorvey's, "Roe No More", ministry's website:

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Pro-Life Bills Headed to Governor

Source: Bunny Chambers of Oklahoma Eagle Forum

Human Cloning Ban Clears House

OKLAHOMA CITYLegislation to ban human cloning easily cleared the Oklahoma House of Representatives today.

“This is an important measure that protects research but doesn’t compromise our morals,” said House Speaker Chris Benge , R-Tulsa.

“The idea that we would allow the creation of human embryos through cloning crosses an ethical line and violates our most basic values,” said state Rep. Pam Peterson , R-Tulsa.

House Bill 1114, by Peterson, makes it illegal “for any person or entity, public or private, to perform or attempt to perform human cloning; participate in an attempt to perform human cloning; ship, transfer, or receive the product of human cloning for any purpose;: and “import the product of human cloning for any purpose.”

The legislation would not restrict scientific research involving the use of nuclear transfer or other cloning techniques to produce molecules, DNA, cells, tissues, organs, plants, or animals.

“This legislation is carefully crafted to prevent cloning to create human lives while still allowing other forms of research,” Peterson said. “This is a common-sense measure that has received strong bipartisan support.”

House Bill 1114 passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives on an 83-0 vote today. The Senate quickly did the same and the measure now goes to Gov. Brad Henry for his signature.

Lamb, Senate Endorse Sanctity of Life

Oklahoma City—The Oklahoma State Senate approved two pro-life measures by Majority Floor Leader Todd Lamb on Friday , advancing both to the Governor’s desk.

House Bill 1595 prohibits a person from performing an abortion solely because of the sex of the child and creates the Statistical Reporting of Abortions Act, which requires physicians who perform abortions to report certain information to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). This legislation passed the Senate with a 35-9 vote.

House Bill 1114 prohibits human cloning in Oklahoma and makes it a misdemeanor to perform or attempt to perform human cloning. This piece of pro-life legislation passed the Senate unanimously.

Each bill received overwhelming bipartisan support from both chambers, which Lamb applauds saying the Legislature is standing up for Oklahoma values.

“ Oklahoma families across our state value the sanctity of life and chose to elect those who share this sacred ideal,” said Lamb. “Twenty-three countries throughout the world have already banned attempts to clone humans, and Oklahoma is the sixth state in our nation to ban human cloning. Life is too often taken for granted, and the Legislature has sent a message today that says we stand up for life and the protection of the unborn.”

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Oklahoma's Charles Key on "Huckabee" about 10th Amendment Legislation

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

100 Days of Change for the Family

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Karoubi (Iranian Presidential Candidate) and hardline editor clash over execution of minors

Karoubi and hardline editor clash over execution of minors


Washington, 30 April (WashingtonTV)—Presidential candidate and National Trust Party chairman, Mehdi Karoubi, on Thursday blasted an opinion column published yesterday in Iran’s hardline Kayhan newspaper, which accused him of being a mouthpiece for Israel, after he called for an end to the execution of minors accused of serious crimes, Saham news website reports.

“These are the howls of the new mafia which I hear from the mouth of Kayhan,” Karoubi said in response to Kayhan’s accusation in its Goft-o-Shenoud [gossip] column, that he was repeating “gibberish” put in his mouth by the “foot soldiers of the Zionist regime [Israel].”

In a note published on Monday, Kayhan asked, which minor has been sent to the death squad in our country, causing Mr. Karoubi, “the Sheikh of reforms”, to cry “oh executions”?

In another piece in Kayhan’s opinion column, which many Iranian media analysts believe is written by the paper’s editor, Hossein Shariatmadari, Karoubi is said to be an illiterate person.

Reacting to Kayhan, Saham news – the official news website of the National Trust Party – reports that Karoubi viewed Shariatmadari’s insults as directed toward scholars of Islam and Islamic jurisprudence, who, following the innovative [Persian: ijtihadi = independent interpretation and reasoning based on sacred text scholarly] vision of the imam [Ayatollah Khomeini] and taking into account issues of time and place, have called for commuting [death] sentences] against minors.

First among these Islamic scholars is Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi, Iran’s Judiciary chief, Karroubi said, adding that Shariatmadari “says everyone is illiterate. These are the howls of the new mafia, which I hear from the mouth of Kayhan. Of course, we hope that someday the market of one and all inquisitors will be shut, but of course, according to these people, talk of pardoning convicts is gibberish,” he said.

Sources: Saham news, Kayhan newspaper

© WashingtonTV 2009. All rights reserved.

More on child executions from singer Nazanin Afshin-Jam:

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